FW Foundry is a professional impact crusher parts manufacturers, choose different materials according to working conditions, with a new high-performance composite materials, the average life expectancy has increased over the 2-3 times.Material: CR27,Cr21, Cr27Mo
FW Offers the Following Impact Crusher Spare Parts
Hazemag Mesto
791•793•795•796•797•850•789•APK40, LT&NP1007•LT&NP1213•LT&NP1315
MR 100 R F10039722 F10327412 F10408402 F10620222
MR 100 Z F10039722 F10327412 F10408402 F10620222
MR 110 R EVO F20013343 F20007840 F20011044 2219822
MR 110 Z EVO F20013343 F20007840 F20011044 2219822
MR122 Z F10038791 F10308431 F10356771
MR130 R F10343421 F10330751 F10408421 2191368 F20006171
MR130 R EVO F20013344 F20010951 F20011039 2196048 2200201
MR130 Z F10343421 F10330751 F10408421 2191368 F20006171
MR130 Z EVO F20013344 F20010951 F20011039 2196048 2200201
Rockster Rubble Master
R800&900 •R900 RM100•RM80•RM70•RM60
Pegson Striker
XH320 •428 •4242SR •1412•XH500 SCE0910 HD• SCE0912 HD
Parker Kawasaki
105 KIS-1315HM
Tesab Terex Finlay
623S wheel impact• 623 Tracked I-130 •I-130SR
623S wheeled•643T•643CC •643CCT